0 Europe could run out of new internet addressed in 2011

Google vice president says,

Europe will run out of capacity for new internet addresses by early next year, potentially cutting the U.K. off from the rest of the world online, one of the founding fathers of the communications network warned today.
Vint Cerf, vice-president of Google and the man dubbed “the godfather of the net”, said the shortage of internet address space represented a “serious boundary” to the growth of the medium.
Mr. Cerf added that the problem is one of the “biggest set of changes in the history of the internet”.Online access across Europe will remain fixed at its current rate unless internet service providers (ISPs) move quickly to implement new internet protocol (IP) space, the leading computer scientist warned.Most of the internet in Europe is based on IP addresses standardised in 1996, known as IPv4.IPv4 has space for 4bn internet addresses, whereas the new IPv6 can host “340 trillion, trillion, trillion” addresses, Mr. Cerf said. “So the theory is we won’t run out, at least not until after I’m dead.” But space for IPv4 addresses is running out, with the remaining 4% expected to be exhausted by spring next year.Mr. Cerf joined the new U.K.-based campaign group 6UK in urging businesses to adopt the next generation of IP addresses, known as IPv6, as soon as possible.
“There’s no question we’re going to be out of address space by springtime of 2011,” Mr. Cerf said.He added that this was a “serious boundary” to online growth that should be removed. “If nobody does anything then the internet will simply stop expanding,” he said, comparing the situation to selling telephones without telephone numbers.
“You need to be able to talk to everyone in the world [who] is on the internet. If Europe doesn’t implement IPv6, it wont be able to talk to the rest of the world that does implement IPv6? That’s stupid, and we don’t want people here to be stupid,” he said.The 67-year-old computer scientist, who helped build the internet while working as a researcher at Stanford University in California, issued the ultimatum ahead of the launch of 6UK, a U.K.-based campaign group to promote the adoption of the new internet protocol, in London today.
“The biggest set of changes in the history of the internet are happening today,” he said. “The change in the address space, the change in domain name languages, the introduction of digital signatures in the domain name system, the introduction of end-to-end cryptography in accessing internet-based services. This is a huge change in the net.”

0 Ferrari goes mobile, launches new smartphone model

 Italian sports car manufacturer Ferrari and publishing firm Opus Media Group have joined hands to create the Ferrari Opus Midi Collection, including the Acer Liquid E Ferrari Special Edition mobile phone.

The new smartphone model using Google's Android is limited to 200,000 handsets and will be available for worldwide distribution under Ferrari's brand name. It will be sold with pre-loaded content from the company and its racing team.The Acer Liquid E Ferrari phone comes with an app that contains content from the Official Ferrari Opus, which includes content of automotive icons and racing greats. Acer, the world's second largest PC vendor, tried its hand in the smartphone industry last year for the first time, and it aims to touch 6 to 7 percent of the market in three to five years.

Mobile handset vendors are observing the PC vendors moving into the mobile space very closely. According to Ben Wood, head of research at British consultancy CCS Insight, with its low cost, low margin approach in the notebook market, Acer has been a tough competitor for giants like Dell and HP, and mobile phone makers are watching its entry into the mobile handset segment closely.  

0 Smartphone wars fought in the legal arena

When a dauntingly technical lawsuit thumped onto the tables of a small district court in Wisconsin on November 9, the global mobile phone industry sat up and took notice.
The suit, in which Spansion, a maker of flash memory chips, alleged that Samsung smartphones infringe one of its patents, was not just a local spat but the latest battle in the smartphone wars that have drawn in the industry’s biggest players.Billions of dollars are at stake for companies including Apple, Google, BlackBerry maker RIM, Nokia and Microsoft. The legal struggle could even lead to the iPhone being banned from sale in the U.S. - if Nokia gets its way in one dispute that has gone to the International Trade Commission (ITC).Only 28% of U.S. and European users have a smartphone that can browse the web, use email and run apps. (The biggest penetration worldwide, estimated at 40%, is in Italy.) Apple, RIM (maker of the BlackBerry) and Nokia together made $3.8bn of profit in the past quarter.With billions of users yet to upgrade, that leaves lots of room for very profitable growth for the handset makers, carriers, advertisers - and anyone who gets paid when their patented technology is used in a handset.For years, handset makers have licensed patents to each other so they can make interoperable products. Normally, they are licensed on “fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory” terms. But Guy Burkill at Three New Square, one of the U.K.’s leading patent barristers who specialises in telecoms-related patents, says that with worldwide sales of mobiles passing 1bn units a year, “the stakes are enormous - fractions of a penny per handset are worth fighting over.” Not every patent survives a legal challenge - a judge may strike it down because of “prior art” (someone invented it already), which makes the cases worth fighting.
Mr. Burkill said: “The sums at stake are so large that the high cost of litigation is no deterrent. That makes it difficult to foresee how it will all end.” Sony Ericsson and Nokia suggested in 2008 that the amount payable per handset should be capped at less than 10% of the handset price. But nobody could agree on how the capped fee should be divided up. So the lawsuits go on, on many fronts.
Nokia (which holds many phone patents) first sued Apple in the U.S. in October 2009, claiming violations relating to 3G networking and mobile Wi-Fi wireless. Apple responded in December claiming Nokia just wanted to force a cross-licensing deal. Nokia raised the stakes with a suit filed at the ITC, which can ban imports to the US, asking for the blocking of iPhone, iPod and Apple computer sales, claiming that “virtually all” its products infringe at least one of seven Nokia patents. Apple responded by filing against Nokia in the ITC in January.Hearings began last week to determine whether Nokia indeed violates Apple’s patents (with ITC staff apparently siding so far with Nokia), but will probably take until June to reach a decision.Florian Muller, a German software developer and intellectual property activist who has followed the battles, said: “I believe we will see a number of major settlements next year as some ITC complaints will approach the point at which a decision gets taken.” He warned: “Those settlements will have a profound impact on the economics of the different vendors.” For Apple, losing might be a problem - though one that could be sorted out by coughing up to Nokia.But Google is not out of the patent woods either. Android is under severe attack, notably from Larry Ellison’s Oracle, which claims it infringes the Java patents it acquired when it bought Sun. The argument is mind-bending - as with most patents rows - but could lead to Google or handset makers (or both) being forced to pay Oracle a fee for every Android handset sold, which would be a serious problem as the platform has begun to take off in the U.S. and worldwide.
Mr. Muller thinks it means trouble: “the total cost of patent royalties that vendors will have to cough up per unit of an Android-based device will likely become substantial and could result in a cost disadvantage for Android as compared to Windows Phone, for which Microsoft provides a patent guarantee that gives vendors peace of mind and predictable licensing costs.” No date has been set for a hearing on the case.
“Since no other mechanism exists for deciding who holds the strongest hand, and nobody can agree, the courts are now being asked to rule on individual patents - a massive task, since there are so many of them,” said Mr. Burkill. “To misquote Clausewitz, ‘law is negotiation by other means’” And to the winners will go a lot of the spoils - for years to come.

0 What is GPS ?

GPS is a feature that the present day mobile phones carry with them. What is actually GPS?? GPS stands for Global Positioning System. GPS uses satellite technology to enable a terrestrial terminal to determine its position on the Earth in latitude and longitude..GPS receivers ascertain their position and height by measuring the signals from three or more satellites simultaneously and determining their position using the timing of these signals.
GPS operates using trilateration. Trilateration is the process of determining the position of an unknown point by measuring the lengths of the sides of an imaginary triangle between the unknown point and two or more known points.
In the GPS system, the two known points are provided by two GPS satellites. These satellites constantly transmit an identifying signal.
The GPS receiver measures the distance to each GPS satellite by measuring the time each signal took to travel between the GPS satellite and the GPS receiver.

The formula for this is:
Distance = Velocity * Time
Velocity of the GPS signal is the speed of light, approximately 300,000 Km/s.
GPS transmissions occur on two frequencies: 1575.42 and 1227.60 Mhz. 

0 Tips to make your browser secure

Web browsers are the key to the internet. Without them the internet is an impenetrable black box.

Browsers may be among the most commonly used applications, but they also offer the greatest number of attack options for dangerous content on the net. To keep viruses, worms and other malware away from your computer when surfing, it's crucial to configure your browser for security.

The firewall on a DSL router is a good first step for protecting the computer during surfing, says Marco Rinne from the computer portal chip.de. But that doesn't hold true if your browser is out of date: “Internet Explorer 6 and 7 or Firefox 2 no longer satisfy current security standards,” he says. For optimal protection, he therefore urges users to keep their browsers updated.

There are numerous security tools already present in Firefox and Internet Explorer. The pop-up blocker, for example, prevents more than just annoying ads. It also throttles other windows that can be used to sneak malicious software onto PCs. Phishing filters protect personal data against theft.

Firefox offers additional configuration options under the Settings item in the Security tab of the Options dialog box: this includes the ability to block risky or forged websites. It's also a good idea to prohibit websites from installing add-ons on their own. Similar settings are possible under Internet Explorer in the Security tab of the Internet Options dialog box, accessible from the Tools menu.

Computer owners should also activate all options for warning against attacks, advises Markus Linnemann, managing director of the Institute for Internet Security (ifis) at the Polytechnic University of Gelsenkirchen in Germany. This applies in particular to warnings about suspicious content to be displayed using ActiveX, Flash, or JavaScript.

Yet the warning mechanism on most browsers alone isn't usually enough, Linnemann says. Those who wish to be especially careful can, for example, use the Firefox add-on 'No Script,' which blocks all active content of a website by default and allows the user to decide which should be permitted. The problem is that most users are unable to determine which content represents a threat to their computer, Rinne msays.

0 Spice Mobile launches India's first 3D phone

Hi friends one of the famous cellular company has launched first 3D mobile and said , View D, priced at Rs 4,299.View D will allow users to experience images and videos in 3D without the 3D glasses, making it very convenient for a common user.
"With growing popularity of 3D content and devices, this is one segment we wanted to tap. We have created this new device for people looking for smart mobile phones," Spice Mobility Vice President (Marketing) Naveen Paul told a news agency. The company is looking at selling 20,000-30,000 units per month of View D, he added.In the competitive Indian market, handset makers are looking at innovations to drive sales.
"One has to keep innovating to offer the market compelling products, but at reasonable price points as India is a price-conscious market," Paul said.
According to IDC, 38.63 million handsets were sold in India during April-June 2010.Asked about the lack of 3D content in India, Paul said, "In India, 3D is catching up and soon there would be more devices which support 3D and with that content would also come in."
The handset is equipped with a 2.4-inch 3D display screen, two megapixel camera, FM Radio, MP3 player and expandable memory up to 16GB.View D's screen is designed in a way that allows the user to toggle between a normal 2D or 3D user interface. It also has a 'remote wipe' feature, which allows users to delete the data stored on their phones remotely, in case of loss of handset.Targetted at the metros and Tier I cities, the company will also launch a new television commercial along with other promotional activities for the product.The handset would be available through more than 50,000 retail points, including 750 Spice HotSpot retail stores.


Hey I guys, previously I explained you how to connect china mobile to computer via bluetooth. I received a lots of mails asking me for a pc suite for china mobiles .Now you can easily get China Mobile PC Suite Download Free from here, i have found the China Mobile PC Suite which is in nature GENERIC ( can be used with any Chinese Mobile), This PC suite works on all versions of windows including vista, you need to select win2k folder as when you manually search for drivers in vista.

Download Links: download both the usb driver as well the pc suite !

MT 6255 Driver Download (Used for USB connectivity to your PC)

Free China Mobile PC Suite Download (China Mobile PC Suite)

China Mobile PC Suite Manual

PhoneSuite provides various functionalities for users to manage their mobile phone easily on PC side. It will communicate with mobile phone via serial communication, IrDA or Bluetooth.

  • Phonebook is used to manage the contacts information between mobile phone and PC folder. In addition to adding, editing and deleting contacts, users can get the phonebook database on hand and backup them to PC folder. PhoneSuite also imports contact list from Lotus Notes, Outlook, and Outlook Express. Users can copy these information to the PC folder or mobile phone.

  • Message helps users to read, edit and send SMS/EMS messages directly from PC. Besides, you can create personal folders to categorize all messages on PC side.

  • Settings contains the system-related settings and message default settings. Users also can set whether they want to import contact list from other software or not here.

  • Images is used to draw images of various file types, and transport the images between PC and mobile phone. It also provides clip, mirror and rotate functions to reach user's expectation.

  • Melody provides a easier way to compose your own melody through the staff graphic interface. It is not only a editor but also provide the functions to transport the melodies between PC and mobile phone.

  • MMS Message helps users to read, edit MMS messages directly from PC. Users also can transport MMS messages between PC and mobile phone. Whether this functionality is supported or not depends on the mobile phone connects to PhoneSuite.

  • File Manager provides a friendly interface for users to manage their files between PC side and mobile phone. Functionalities of "copy", "paste", "delete", "rename" and "new folder" are provided in out tool. Besides, File Manager supports local java installation from PC side.

  • If you have any doubts, just leave a comment and I will get back to you !!

    0 How to increase mobile phone's signal strength

    Do the following to increase your networks signal strength:
    • Don’t keep your finger near or on the antenna: If you don't know where the antenna is, it is probably on the top of your mobile phone. Therefore, always hold your mobile phone by the base, not the top. You must keep it mind that small things such like your finger can obstruct cellular waves and decrease your phone's performance.
    • Change the direction: If other person's voice breaks during a phone call, try to turn around until it becomes better. You exactly don't know where the base station antenna from your service provider is located and your head may be right in the way. Turn your whole body so that your phone points to a different direction until you find the best position, and then be in that position.
    • Keep away from Metal: Move away from any piece of metal, especially massive steel structures. They usually interfere with cellular waves.
    • Keep your battery charged: Always keep your battery as charged as possible. Some mobile phones will weaken their signal strength when the battery is low to increase talk time.
    • Stand near Windows: When you are in a building, move close by a window. While driving your car, place your mobile phone on the window side. When walking outside, move to an open place rather than staying under a building or trees.


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